Saturday, October 13, 2012

Athena and Rubber Stamp Chocolate Bunny, They Go Together, Right?

This rubber stamp carving is of the 
Greek Goddess Athena. Her classic Greek
features, and fancy hair and ornaments were
fun to carve into a rubber stamp.
I can see myself wanting to carve a wood
block of this someday.

This little 'chocolate' bunny just popped
into my head one day and begged me to carve it!
So, being a lover of folk art, that is the style
I chose for this little hand carved rubber stamp.
Plus Easter and bunnies are a favorite
thing around my household.
Please stop by my etsy shop and take a look
at my unique hand carved stamps. Maybe I could
even create a special one for you!


Debra said...

I can testify to the quality of your work, having one of your custom stamps myself.
A stamp would make a great present....hmmmm-got my thinkin' cap on about that one...

Michelle Morlan said...

I do love to create custom stamps, so of course when you are ready it goes without saying that I will be ready! :)
Thanks, Debra for your kind comments about my rubber stamp carvings!